孟子論辯探究 Analysis on Mencius’ argumentation

Yik Chi Lam



People said that Mencius was fond of arguing but Mencius denied.? However Mencius have to arguing with the fashionable ideas in order to advocating Confucian thought. Mencius argued for benevolence and righteousness.
Mencius argued with Yang and Mo (楊墨之徒), with Husbandry School (Nongjia 農家), with Strategist, with disciple Kao (高子) and scholar Kao (告子), because their sayings were "to take up one point and to disregard a hundred others", which was a one-sided judgement, unable to recognize the significance of humanism on the whole. Therefore, Mencius used the idea of benevolence and righteousness of Confucian, to ensure the significance of human relations and the value of morality.

Mencius had faith in human nature. He believed that everyone has the ability to introspect, to identify what is right, what is wrong and to make correct judgement. Hence, one may be blindfolded by prejudiced idea for a while, but he will have the ability to comprehend and to fulfill benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, by setting up questions, rhetorical questions, using metaphors and making contrast, Mencius advocated people to contemplate the meaning of benevolence and righteousness.