


  The Journal for Contemporary Studies of Confucianism, a semi-annual publication, issued in June and December, was first launched in 2006 by the Research Center for Confucian Studies at the National Central University in Taiwan. It offers a collection of discussions and debates on Confucianism and other relevant topics.

  The Journal welcomes contributions in the form of essays, book reviews/review articles as well as comments to/responses to any articles published in its issues. All submitted articles are anonymously reviewed by a joint committee of scholars and experts from related areas.

  To encourage postgraduate students (including PhD candidates) to publish their papers, the Journal has devoted a section entitled “Young Scholars on Confucianism,” introduced from Issue 22, that showcases papers contributed by students who meet the proper criteria. However, any contribution from a Lecturer in the university system in Taiwan will be reviewed in accordance with the general regulations of the Journal.