論李奧波德的生態中心主義 — 以《沙郡年記》中的威斯康辛州和沙郡為例 On Leopold’s Ecocentrism: Wisconsin State and Sand County in A Sand County Almanac

Tsuo-Ming Hsu

李 奧 波 德 (Aldo Leopold, 1887-1948) 的生態中心主義(ecocentrism) 向來頗負盛名。根據 J. Baird Callicott 的看法,這個觀點是李奧波德土地倫理的強項,但也引發對手的批評。我認為,在《沙郡年記》(A Sand County Almanac) 這本經典著作裡,李奧波德的中心思想確實是生態學的觀點,由此輻射出去,倫理學和美學才跟生態學鑲嵌在一起。



Leopold (Aldo Leopold, 1887-1948) is famous for his ecocentrism. According to J. Baird Callicott’s opinion, this point of view is the strength of land ethic but also liability to be criticized. I think that the central idea of A Sand County Almanac is indeed ecological thought, from which ethics and aesthetics are imbedded.

The major text I will analyze is limited to Wisconsin State and Sand County in A Sand County Almanac. I attempt to prove that even in the most local painting, Leopold’s nature writings are rich in ecocentrism. I will also analyze the theoretical problems derived. In the analysis of the text, I will link to local context in Taiwan.