

一、 本刊園地公開,主要刊登藝術史、藝術理論、視覺文化相關論文,歡迎海內外學者來稿。來稿以未曾發表者為限,所有稿件均須經編輯委員會送請專家學者評審,通過之後始予刊登。

二、 來稿論文以中英文為限。有關來稿格式,請參考本刊卷末或《藝術學研究》網站說明。符合撰稿格式及各部分皆完備之文稿,始得受理。

三、 本刊中文文稿以一萬字至三萬字為原則。請註明論文中英文題目,並附上中英文關鍵字以及六百字左右摘要。

四、 本刊採雙匿名審稿制,來稿內容請勿透露作者身分資訊。請另外註明作者姓名、服務機構、職稱、電子信箱、通訊地址、電話,以便聯絡。

五、 論文中牽涉到版權部份,請先取得原作者及作品所有權者之書面同意,本刊不負責版權責任。

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八、 本刊由國立中央大學藝術學研究所《藝術學研究》編輯委員會編印,採隨投隨審制度,請將稿件及圖片電子檔寄至編輯部電子信箱:journalofartstudies@gmail.com

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32001 桃園市中壢區中大路300
國立中央大學藝術學研究所 《藝術學研究》編輯委員會收



      Submission Guidelines for Journal of Art Studies


1.         This journal primarily publishes articles in the fields of art history, art theory, and visual culture. Scholars in Taiwan and overseas are welcome to submit their manuscripts. Articles previously published will not be considered. All manuscripts must undergo the double-blind peer-review process and will be published only with the approval of the reviewers and editorial committee.
2.         The articles may be written either in Chinese or English. English articles should follow the MLA format for their footnotes, where full bibliographical information should be provided. References should be arranged alphabetically by author and, within author, by year of publication. When the article is first submitted for review, the illustrations may be low-resolution digital files, but once the article is accepted, the author must provide the illustrations in high-resolution digital files and obtain image permissions.
3.         Articles to be published in this journal are limited to 8000 to 16000 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. Authors are required to provide 600-word abstracts of their articles, keywords, and on a separate sheet, their names, institutions, job titles, contact addresses, and telephone numbers in order to facilitate communication.
4.         For accepted English manuscripts, Journal of Art Studies reserves the right to translate the title, abstract, and the keywords into Chinese if the author is unable to provide Chinese translation.
5.         Where articles involve the use of copyrighted materials, the authors are required to obtain the copyright owners’ consent. This journal will not assume responsibility for copyright matters.
6.         When the article is published, the author will receive three copies of that issue of the journal, but no fees.
7.         Authors are kindly requested to send Microsoft Word files of articles and illustrations to journalofartstudies@gmail.com.
8.         Our contact information:
Journal of Art Studies
Graduate Institute of Art Studies
National Central University
No. 300, Zhongda Rd.
Taoyuan City 32001