留給「自然」半個地球 — 審美的體驗 Preserve Half the Surface of the Earth to Nature — The Aesthetic Experience

Chun-Yin Lin

社會生物學家 Edward O. Wilson 在2016 年提出「把這個地球表面的一半交還給自然,我們才可期望拯救這個地球內數不清的各種生命形式。」若能如此,才能穩定人類生存安定。所以我們應積極保護瀕危的物種,更積極的作為應展現人類崇高的德行不再傷害生物圈(biosphere)。對於這樣的籲求,如同《成長的極限》(Limit to Growth)及聯合國所倡導的「永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 也提出人類若以現有的方式繼續推動經濟成長與過度資源開發將會引起全球環境危機。而近年來「人類世」的概念衝擊著自然與人文社會學科的反省。面對生態失衡、資源枯竭的地球,人類要限制開發還是追求高科技發展?Steven Pinker 於《人性中良善的天使:暴力如何從我們的世界中逐漸消失》(The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined) 依生物學理論基礎解釋人性中擁有同理心與自制力,可以找到各種方式將彼此傷害的數字一次一次減少,所以需要樂觀看待文明的成就。而本文主要依循生態、演化法則的論證,及審美的體驗中所伴隨的義務,參照《易經》的〈繫辭〉上傳,子曰:「夫易,何為者?夫易,開物成務,冒天下之道。如斯而已者也。」是以,如何行道義之門在於人要把握與自然的發展穩定與平衡之分際(demarcation)。希望我們可以支持生物多樣性,留給「自然」半個地球。


This article aims to illustrate the Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life which from Edward Osborne Wilson, suggests to stave off the mass extinction of species, including our own, we must move swiftly to preserve the biodiversity of our planet. For this idea just as like "limit of growth" and the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) advocated by the United Nations. People should no longer demand anything from nature to satisfy their desires without considering the problem of survival. the concept of "Anthropocene" also reminding us value humans over the nature, so we abuse natural resources and cause the present ecological imbalance. Should human beings restrict development or pursue high-tech development? Having empathy and self-control prompts us to feel the pain of others and to anticipate the consequences of acting on our impulses, says Steven Pinker. So we need to discover earthly ways in which human beings can flourish.

This article also suggests that via an aesthetic experience can only be achieved when the integrity of the ecosystem as a whole is maintained, and the human being as an entity of the ecosystem must exercise moderation to lower the impact on the ecosystem. In addition, we should give environmental ethics more precise theoretical grounds under the background of science and this background should cover psychology, aesthetic and ecology so that the derived philosophical content and foundation could sustain trials through time. The Book of Changes, likewise, in order to accomplish Dao (the way) and Yi (righteousness) we should grasp the demarcation of the stable and balanced of the nature. We should be solved that preserve fully half the surface of the Earth to nature.