道家環境倫理學之建構及其可能之限度 The Construction of Taoist Ethics and Its Potential Limits

Hai-Yen Yeh



This article attempts explore the environmental concern from Taoism through the ethic thinking of Taoism. In order to emphasize the ideal of Taoism of which synthesizing the metaphysics and cosmology, I underscore the dialogue between Man and Nature. Finally this concern will end up relating to the universe as a whole.
Besides that, there is a crucial agenda that relates to the existential value and the activity livelihood: in the profound sense of Tao, the integration between man and environment can constantly discover the universalized reality. Therefore, rethinking the human chauvinism and human existence can lead to further fathoming the unlimited and extensive process, reaching the disclosure of structural context in Taoism and the system in which our minds and souls interface each other. The system will of course bring forth the sense of limitation, and incite the hope and ideal in life perpetually.