徐渭題畫作品中別號與閒章義涵初探——兼探款署「金罍」與鈐印「金畾」 A Preliminary Study on the Meanings of the “hao” and “xien zhang” Contained in the Paintings by Xu, Wei

Jui-Hsiang Hsu



Xu, Wei, a painter on birds and flowers in the late 16th century, amazed people with his works that were injected his passion and imbedded with his deep apprehension of poetry and calligraphy. Like many painters and literati, Xu gave himself other names that were related to the circumstances he was under. He constantly initialed his poetry or painting works with names other than “Qing Teng (green rattan)” and “Tien Chi (sky pool)”. His “hao(names)” and “xien zhang (stamps with poetry, proverbs or drawings as text )” , reflecting his thoughts and views were applied to his works in the light of his mood and feeling when rendering a work to make his personality and names highlight each other. Therefore, it is advisable to view Xu’s life philosophy and creativity from different perspectives as we explore the meaning of his hao and xien zhang. This article carries his existing hao and xien zhang and categorizes the words he used. A study is made by comparing his life and literary works with the hao and xien zhang. At last, a discussion of issues on the description of Xu’s other names (such as Jin Hui, Jin Lei, Jin Lei and the rarely referred Jin Lei ) found in the biographic accounts on him was conducted to clarify these names’ meanings and function to the literatus.