新冠肺炎蔓延期間告別的勇氣與意義 The courage and significance of bidding farewell during the spread of Covid-19 pandemic

Yu-Shuang Hsiao

新冠肺炎期間參加了一場在視訊上的告別式,親友們在網路上參與簡化的喪葬儀式,可是視訊結束了,親情、友情、愛情的哀傷是否也可隨之抽離?看不見的新冠病毒,顛覆了人類的生活、家族情感,生命徒留了空虛、焦慮、恐懼與無限遺憾。這樣生命的議題,對於認為哲學的中心問題是生活的德國哲學家狄爾泰(Wilhelm Dilthey) 來說,在這樣的告別儀式中分享生活經驗、表達和理解生活,才能真正理解喪親者的情感,並把我們的關心和愛表達給他。再從移情與再體驗的情感流動中,我們重新找到自己生活的內在位置,從而回應彼此生活的需求。在本文中,我試圖用這種方法來闡明宗教儀式和共同情感的記憶如何在生命結束時疏通內心的悲傷、怨恨、親情和惆悵,並試圖探索亡者的愛仍存在的永恆陪伴中。通過感受逝世者的愛與回憶,達到釋放悲傷而自我療癒,進而面對我們所愛的人已經去世的事實。最後證實,說再見的勇氣來自於對愛的延續和承諾,承諾珍惜自己,在愛的記憶中得到療育,由此獲得的價值才能實現自己與亡者生命的最終意義。


During the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, I participated in a video farewell ceremony. Relatives and friends participated in a simplified funeral ceremony on the Internet. But can family, friendship, and grief of love be lessened at the end of the video? It is obvious now that this pandemic has subverted human life and family emotions, leaving life with emptiness, anxiety,
fear and infinite regret. This kind of life issue, for the German philosopher Dilthey, who believes that the central issue of philosophy is life, and only by the sharing of living experience, expression and understanding of life in such
farewell ceremony, can we truly express our concern and love to others. From the emotional flow of empathy and re-experience, we find the inner position of one's life again, and thus respond to the needs of each other's lives. In this paper, I try to employ this approach to clarify how religious rituals and memories of shared emotions can soften the inner sorrow, resentment, affection, and sorrow of life when life is over, and try to explore the eternal companionship that still exists by feeling the love of the deceased. Hopefully, we could achieve a state of calmness by the release of grief and self-healing, and face the fact that our
beloved one have passed away. Finally, it is confirmed that the courage to say goodbye comes from the continuation and commitment to love, and promises to cherish oneself, to be healed in the memory of love, and the value thus obtained can fulfill the final meaning of the lives of oneself and the deceased.