建置「禮樂」的完型 (Gestalt) 結構 — 禮樂文明的源流、原理與實踐 Construct the Gestalt Structure of "Rites-Music": Culture of Ritual and Music’s Origin, Principle and Practicing

Wei-Chieh Tseng



Civilization of rites and music 禮樂文明 not only is the core of Chinese culture, but also the symbol of collective unconscious in Chinese philosophical field. However, in the past, the studies of Confucianism mostly emphasized the value of "ritual", while ignored the meaning of "music." In fact, the culture of "rites-music" is composed of two parts:"ritual" and "music," but why we usually only discuss the "ritual" but not
"music"? In order to demonstrate the meaning and value of "rites-music," we should regarded "Rites-music" as a "Gestelt structure" to understand. This is why Confucius said, "Prosper with poems, stand with manners, accomplish with music." Just because "rites-music" not only the moral norm to constraint men, but also the power and energy that could make the emotional contagion to the subject. In the conclusion, we should know "ritual" make the different and "music" make the same. "Rites-music" is the Gestelt conception, so we couldn’t divide the ritual and music as two parts,but need always make ritual and music together, and "rites-music" could show it meaning and value completely.