王船山論存養本心的工夫——心、意/性、情貫通之道 Wang Chuan-Shan’s Discussion on the Ways to Preserve the Original Mind and Cultivate Good Human Nature — about the Way of Linking Mind and Opinion (Nature and Affection)

Chi-Chu Chen



Wang Chuan-Shan interprets nature by “air,” and argues that “mind” cannot be added with the comment of being good or being not evil. The “mind” he refers to seems to possess no such concept as the original moral mind; but actually it is not so. The objective of this paper is to explore Wang Chuan-Shan’s discussion of the ways to preserve the original mind and cultivate good human nature according to Wang Chuan-Shan’s argument that mind constantly has the virtues of benevolence and justice. First of all, the paper indicates Wang Chuan-Shan’s viewpoint that the intrinsic ways of moral practice is to realize the original mind and know man’s nature. From here, the paper analyzes his discussion of the link between mind and nature. After that, from the link between “positive mind” and “sincerity,” the paper analyzes his discussion of the link between mind and opinion. Finally, from the linking ways between “broadmindedness” and “artistic affection,” the paper analyzes his discussion of the link between nature and affection.