朝鮮時代女性詩文集編纂流傳的文化史考察 A Cultural Study of the Compilation and Spread of the Female Anthology in Chǒsun Dynasty

Bo-wei Zhang



Given its long history and tradition, the works of female writers in Korean peninsula that hands down to the present is extremely scarce. Compared to the huge writings of Chinese female writers, the titles of anthology seem extraordinarily few and far between. Up to now, there are only 37 anthologies of female writers in Chǒsun Dynasty including personal works, clan anthology, exchange anthology, and selected works; besides these, there also exist two monographs written by women. If we examine the flourish times of these female writers, we can find that they all were active in Chǒsun Period (1392-1910), which is related to the historical and cultural situation of this era. It is not an accidental phenomenon that their writings and works did not wither away in this situation, and it is fortunately that parts of their works was edited by some scholars and passed down to nowadays. It is hard to explore the question through bibliography, because bibliography can only account for the “what-question,” but can not give the answer to the “why-question” and “how-question.” Why were these anthologies compiled and published, and how were these works read, and what was the social feedback after reading? To answer these questions needs to touch upon the issues about production, circulation, and re-production, re-circulation, re-consumption of these works. So researchers should investigate and study this topic from the cultural and comprehensive perspective and find out the inner-logic of the phenomenon.