許衡「氣服於理」思想研究 Qi is obedient to Li”—on the study of Xu Heng

Shih, Chen-tao



This article aims to investigate the Neo-Confucianism (lixue 理學) theory of Xu Heng許衡, and his features of the development and succession from the Cheng–Zhu learning 程朱之學。 Originally, Xu Heng許衡got influenced by the theory of Wang Bi王弼in his early age, then got transferred to the Cheng–Zhu learning 程朱之學 later. Based on his theory of “li-qi” 理氣論, he emphasized on the concept of “Nature”自然, focusing on the investigation of li理in the qi氣. Also, in his theory of Mind-Nature心性論, he emphasized that if the qi is obedient to li, appearing on the mind, human being’s innate knowledge and ability instinct(良知良能) can occurs after a sensation.If the qi氣 is not obedient to li理, the human mind will tend to the evil, losing the function of moral judgment. Thus, if people would like to exterminate the evil and follow the good, it is needed to transform the physical nature by the work of keeping reverence主敬, practicing the rituals行禮, and“investigating things and extending knowledge to the utmost”(gewu zhizhi格物致知). Therefore, Xu Heng許 whose attitude of emphasizing the sincerely working, brought the deep influence on the development of Zu Xi's theory in the Ming dynasty.