穿越「理論」之間:「後理論時代」的理論思潮和文化建構 Contemporary Theories Revisited: Theoretical Trends in the “Post-theoretic Era” and Cultural Construction

Ning Wang



The present article is aimed to describe from a cross-cultural perspective the intellectual condition in the age of globalization. To the author, the publication of Terry Eagleton’s book After Theory in 2003 does not necessarily mean the death of theory, but rather, it anticipates from a certain angle that the current development of Western theory has entered a “post-theoretic era”, in which cultural theory has been developing in a more and more pluralistic orientation. The author holds that theory in this “post-theoretic era” still has a clear orientation of development and evolution, namely, those purely formalistically oriented theories are on the decline, but on the other hand, any inadequate over-emphasis on the function of theory is impossible. Literary theory, due to the increasing expansion of the boundary of literary studies, is merging into cultural theory, which could be used to interpret various literary and cultural phenomena in the age of globalization. In the “post-theoretic era,” Chinese theorists have more and more involved themselves in international theoretical debates uttering more and more forceful voice on international forum. In such an age when the boundaries of nations and languages are becoming more and more obscured,transnational study of literary and cultural theory has become a historical trend. Chinese theorists are now able to carry on equal dialogue with their international counterparts, and the popularization of the Chinese language has all the more promoted the possibility of writing a new literary history in Chinese. As a cultural and theoretical strategy, the author in the last part puts forward his own reconstruction of Neo-Confucianism which will contribute a great deal to the world in such a “post-theoretic era.”