專業倫理實踐初探:以臨床心理能力養成為例 A Preliminary exploration to the professional ethical practice: Taking the training in clinical psychology as an example

Wei-Lun Lee



This paper intends to clarify the competence and learning for proper professional ethical practice with the examples in clinical psychology. By professional ethical practice I mean the occasions in which caring professionals like clinical psychologists experience the ethicality in jeopardy (or ethical dilemmas) in their practices and act and react thereupon. Like most caring professions, clinical psychology has been carried out within two different contexts; one is as an academic branch and the other as a social enterprise. The operation of knowledge building activities, however, is different from the acquisition of ethically proper practices. This paper argues that, academic knowledge competences do not automatically lead to professional ethical competences; knowledge competences are different from ethical competences. As this differentiation is clarified, a proper starting point for conceptualizing the essence of “practice” in professional ethical practice can be obtained.