對陽明神秘經驗問題的重新思考 ——以湯浅泰雄哲學為參照 A Rethinking of the Mysticism Problem of Yangming ——Taking Yasuo Yuasa’s philosophy as Reference

Chen, Ting-chia



To clarify the relation between Yangmingism and Mysterious experience, this paper discusses perspectives including Innate Knowledge, beyond good and evil, and achieving oneness with the myriad things, by taking reference of the thread of thoughts from Nishida Kitaro, Yasuo Yuasa, to Carl Jung. The conclusion of this paper can be summarized into these points: (1) Because of the Absolute Contradictory Selfidentity of good and evil, there is an only reality beyond good and evil at the bottom layer of existence, which is the force that unites the universe reality. This uniting force is not a personal consciousness under the subject-object relative relationship, but a collective consciousness beyond the distinguish subject-object. (2) Regarding the universals of Li(理), which is the strength that unites the universe reality, human is connected with the world through the bottom layer of existence. Therefore, in the phenomenon of consciousness, it appears that the subject and the object couldn’t be clearly distinguished, instead there’s a sense of unity. (3) When the conscience is condensed, due to the pure experience, the subject is united with the object, then the three dimensions of now, past, and future will be united, and presented as a whole in human’s (subject’s) dream.