走路非常哲學 — Frédéric Gros《走路,也是一種哲學》 |
How Philosophical Walking Is — Frédéric Gros, Marcher, Une Philosophie |
作者 |
廖育正 |
Author |
Yu-Cheng Liao |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Frédéric Gros,
une philosophie,
摘要 |
許多文人在走路中構成了思想,Frédéric Gros《走路,也是一種哲學》藉著大量的軼事將這個主題鉤勒出來。儘管作者在書中對《莊子》思想的詮釋仍可商榷,但無礙於以「走路」為視角,輻輳出一部文采斐然的性靈之作。此書的文風疏淡有致,避開了艱困的術語,訴諸生活的實感與靈光。Gros 像一位嚮導,帶領讀者漫步古今,提醒你我留意每一刻的身心感受,是這樣步上一趟「思索走路」之旅。 |
Abstract |
By walking, philosophical thoughts come to many writers' mind — Frédéric Gros collects a lot of this kind of stories. Even though some interpretation of Zhuangzi in this book isn't very precise, the author does an excellent work on writing "walking". Marcher, une philosophie is an elegant book, there aren't so many tough terms but the real sense and aura of life in it. Gros is like a guide, leading readers to walk through ancient and modern times.The author reminds you to pay attention to every moment of physical and mental feelings during walking. Thus readers could go on a trip of "thinking about walking". |