FaceBook pڭ
第 64  期

Special Issue

山林倫理是公民倫理 — 由「無痕山林」與〈失去山林的孩子〉 談起
Woodland Ethics As Civic Virtue Ethics
作者 劉久清
Author Chiu-Chin Liu
關鍵詞 山林倫理公民德行倫理多元他者無痕山林超越 無痕山林
Keywords Woodland ethics, civic virtue ethics, many others, Leave No Trace
摘要 「無痕山林」倫理守則的提出,是因為有大量進入山林遊憩的人,對山林的保育、維護造成巨大威脅、傷害;但是,又有《失去山林的孩子》之類書籍,努力論證人與山林親近、走入山林的必要,進而推動、推廣進入山林之活動。對此,僅只宣導、實踐「無痕山林」,是否足以解決更多、更大量人口進入山林遊憩對山林的威脅?是值得探討的。何況,人類行為對山林之威脅,不只發生於在山林遊憩時,而是日常生活即在發生的,且實踐「無痕山林」固然可能減輕對山林的傷害,卻未必減輕對整個地球生態的傷害。


Abstract The ethical code of the "Leave No Trace" was proposed because a large number of people who entered the woodland (mountains and forests) to recreation had caused great threats and injury to the conservation and maintenance of the woodland. However, there were books such as LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, and efforts to demonstrate the closeness of the woodland and the need to step into the woodland will further promote the activities of entering the woodland. In this regard, merely advocating and practicing "Leave No Trace" is enough to solve the threat of more people entering the mountain forests on the woodland? It is worth exploring. What's more, the threat of human actions to the woodland not only occurs when they are recreate in the woodland, but also occurs in daily life. However, practicing "Leave No Trace" may reduce the damage to the mountains and forests, but it may not necessarily reduce the damage to the entire earth ecology.

Therefore, the maintenance and conservation of woodland must be in the overall ecological system level, and it is not just the people who enter the woodland to recreate, but the responsibility of the entire people. This also means that what kind of content should be formulated and set for relevant ethical standards? How should the proposed guidelines be promoted?The various technological innovations, developments, and applications related to mountain forests should no longer be solely determined by the government, nongovernmental organizations, and industry. All members of the entire society must participate in discussions and formulate relevant ethical guidelines, norms, educational practices and various scientific and technological innovations related to access to woodland recreation activities.

A person who can participate in this way is an active citizen with virtue ethics. He is not only aware of each other as many others, the woodland is also considered as we have to live with it from the beginning, growth, solidarity with the many others, not objects that our subjective will projects, places we recreating, or objects that satisfy human needs. Only in this sense can it be possible to develop, with the cooperation of all citizens and governments, nongovernmental organizations and industry manufacturers, the ethical principles and technological innovations that will truly enable humanity and the forest to share their interests without damaging each other.

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