萍水不相逢?— 李安電影中「倫理」與「自由」 美學之衝突 |
No Chance to Encounter? Conflicts between Ethics and Freedom Aesthetics in Ang Lee’s Film |
作者 |
曹予恩 |
Author |
Yu-En Tsao |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Ang Lee,
binary opposition
摘要 |
電影中李安總試圖想在對立的二元中,尋找調和這種危機的可能。《臥虎藏龍》中的玉嬌龍找到了以為的自由,在種種社會關係中掙扎,父母、師徒、愛人。遊蕩在自由與倫理之間,她的死亡其實是另一種回歸,是一個昇華。這種昇華,也是李安在本片處理李慕白與俞秀蓮情欲上做肉體的克制,在可望而不可及的精神世界裡保持著距離,這個選擇必然是不自由的。 |
Abstract |
The ethics of the Confucianism seeks a rational spirit (in community and society) inherited from the Chinese forefathers while the Taoists seek individual cultivations in morality. This manifests the complementarity and dichotomy of the two, and that is the "counteraction" or "Doctrine of the Mean" of the Chinese classical aesthetics. The "counteraction" principle indicates the "same yet different" aesthetics. The "same" refers to the Chinese cultural values — community and society, while it demonstrates in the Western aesthetics — "binary opposition" which concerns self and community. The pursuit of the Individualism exemplifies in Rousseau's "Human beings are born with freedom, but live in chains," in which he believes personal rights and freedom should be preserved in communities. How to be "the self" in a community? How to accomplish "the self" in a country? This is the "moral freedom," the emphasis of individual will is a significant origin of the Western political thoughts.
In Ang Lee's films, he attempts to balance the crisis of such binary opposition. In "Crouching Tigers Hidden Dragon" Jiao Long endeavors to find the supposed freedom and struggles in the interwoven relationships between self and others. Wandering between freedom and ethics, her death is another form of returning, a sublimation. This sublimation is also demonstrated in Lee's manipulation of the restrain of the carnal desire between Li Mu-bai and Yu Shu-lien, a lust refrained in the spiritual world, that is, a choice not willingly made. |