臺灣山林哲學的行動與建構 |
The Action and Construction of Taiwan Forest Philosophy |
作者 |
蔡智豪 |
Author |
Jr-Hao Tsai |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
environmental ethics
摘要 |
臺灣尚未脫離類殖民地。臺灣的人們為自己負責,是擺脫殖民地的最後的一哩路。負責是願意承擔脫離殖民後,在不剝削這塊土地的原則下,以有限的收入來調整生活的方式,也願意以這塊土地為家,與所有住在這裡的人一起努力。只有擺脫類殖民地,臺灣才有機會建構出人們在這塊土地上的環境倫理,也才能撫平這四百年來殖民所造成的傷害! |
Abstract |
Taiwan is a mountainous island formed by orogeny; the forests are highly capable of self-restoring. While mid-elevation areas are vulnerable to natural hazards, and being the core area of homeland security, the immense forests of Taiwan Red Cypress and Taiwan Yellow Cedar were cut down in last century. Additionally, due to agriculture in mountain areas, natural forest can’t restore itself. The problems of Taiwan forests are caused by misunderstanding of forest ecology, therefore, education is extremely important and should be provided to improve the basic knowledge. The intention of the thesis is to explore and develop forest philosophy through the discussion of reforestation. Reforestation is more than just about trees; the purpose is to inspire the way of thinking. To human society, the answers to many questions lie in the ways of thinking.
The genes and thinking of each individual last forever, and will not be destroyed when death comes. Bodies come and go as waves, gathering between time and space. Because the human values of altruism and helping others, most of us ultimately want to lead meaningful lives. Time serves as a ruler to measure meaningfulness.By promoting reforestation and the restored forests will still exist in fifty years. Furthermore, the value of treating land well will extend individual consciousness to life community as a whole, leading individual thinking to a new way and influence human society.
Taiwan has been under quasi-colonial rules. The people in Taiwan being responsible is the key to end colonialism. The responsible people are to decide not to exploit the land and make adjustments to live on limited incomes. The people are to decide to work on the land and treat the land we live on as home. Only by breaking-away from colonialism, can the people build environmental ethics on the land and to heal the wounds of 400 years of colonialism. |