FaceBook pڭ
第 62  期

中央大學人文學報 第62期
National Central University Journal of Humanities Vol.62

General Article
Comparison of the Philosophical Doctrine between Wang Chuan-Shan and Master Chu
/ 陳祺助    Chi-Chu Chen
關鍵詞: 王船山朱子主敬存心知行關係致知格物四書
Keywords: Wang Chuan-Shan, Master Chu, holding fast to seriousness and preserving the Mind, the relationships between zxi and xing (Knowledge and Action), acquisition of knowledge and learning of the nature of things, Four Books
A Rethinking of Mo Zongshan’s Reflection on “Moral Judgment and Historical Judgment”: from the Viewpoint of Phenomenology
/ 汪文聖    Wang, Wen-Sheng
關鍵詞: 道德判斷歷史判斷牟宗三胡塞爾海德格漢娜鄂蘭現 象學
Keywords: Moral Judgment, Historical Judgment, Mo Zongshan, Husserl, Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Phenomenology
“Da Zhong Yu” as a Creative Experiment: The Correlation Between Chen Zizhan’s Vernacular Translation of “Book of Songs” and Da Zhong Yu Movement
/ 史甄陶    Chen-Tao Shih
關鍵詞: 同儕接受社會成功社會資本幸福感媒體多工
Keywords: Chen ZiZhan, ShiJingYuYi, DaZhongYu Movement
The Reception and Evolution of Chinese Ladies in AiLing Chang’s Drawings
/ 徐禎苓    Chen-ling Hsu
關鍵詞: 張愛玲仕女畫性別現代性
Keywords: AiLing Chang, Chinese Ladies, gender, modernity
The Animal Symbols and Ecological Concern in Xu Bing’s Artworks
/ 黃宗潔    Tsung-Chieh Huang
關鍵詞: 徐冰動物符號生態關懷背後的故事文化動物
Keywords: Xu Bing, Animal Symbols, Ecological Concern, Background Stories, Cultural Animals
A Critical Understanding on “ZhiYin” ─ From the Traditional Interpretation to the Modern Neuroscience
/ 廖啟宏    Ci-hong Liao
關鍵詞: 知音,琴心,音樂認知心理學,交互同步,認知基模
Keywords: ZhiYin, QinXin, Cognitive Psychology of Music, interactional synchrony, cognitive schema
Étude comparative franco-chinoise du processus de création des caractères/ mots nouveaux : l’exemple des noms des éléments chimiques
/ Huei-chen Li    李蕙珍
關鍵詞: noms des éléments chimiques, étude comparative franco-chinoise, processus de création des mots/ caractères nouveaux
Keywords: 化學元素名詞、漢法對比分析、新字詞創造
No.69  2020 春季號
No.68  2019 秋季號
No.67  2019 春季號
No.66  2018 October
No.65  2018 April
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