FaceBook pڭ
第 62  期

General Article

“Da Zhong Yu” as a Creative Experiment: The Correlation Between Chen Zizhan’s Vernacular Translation of “Book of Songs” and Da Zhong Yu Movement
作者 史甄陶
Author Chen-Tao Shih
關鍵詞 同儕接受社會成功社會資本幸福感媒體多工
Keywords Chen ZiZhan, ShiJingYuYi, DaZhongYu Movement
摘要 一九三四年陳子展等人發起「大眾語運動」,《詩經語譯》是此運動的具體成果。本文以此書為討論的中心,說明民國時期的《詩經》翻譯,不僅受到「白話文運動」和「古史辨風潮」的影響,也與「大眾語運動」密切相關,同時探究陳子展在民國時期研究《詩經》的特點,擬分為三部分進行討論。首先討論陳子展的翻譯動機,與「大眾語運動」的關係。他因不滿陳漱琴和郭沫若的著作,並且主張新文學運動中沒有優秀的詩歌作品,於是倡導並具體實踐以「大眾語」翻譯《詩經》的想法。其次探討陳子展的翻譯特色。他主張要以大眾歌謠的方式呈現,不僅重視《詩經》中「兮」字的作用,並完全依循《詩經》原有的章句結構,保留了複沓的形式。同時他也著重淺白的詞彙和押韻,鼓吹絕句的形式,以便於朗誦。第三尋究陳子展的翻譯與《詩經》經注的關係。雖然以大眾語翻譯《詩經》在當時相當新穎,然而就翻譯的內容來看,他參照了《詩序》的觀點、朱熹《詩集傳》的說法,以及魏源的解釋。他從史料的角度接受這些傳統經注的見解,以利於解說詩中的歷史事件。藉由陳子展《詩經語譯》的研究,可以看見此書無論在形式上與內容上,都有鮮明的時代特徵,以及堅實的文獻根據,展現出古典文獻與當代語彙的巧妙融合。
Abstract In 1934, Chen ZiZhan and others initiated the DaZhongYu movement; “ShiJingYuYi”, the work of Chen, can be seen as the concrete achievement of this particular movement. Using “ShiJIngYuYi” as the center of discussion to clarify how “ShiJing” translations during the MingGuo period were influenced by “BaiHuaWen movement” and “GuShiBian wave”, and were also closely related to the “DaZhongYu movement”. This paper will also explore Chen’s research characteristics of “ShiJing”. The discussion will be divided into three parts: First, to discuss the relations between Chen’s motivation of translation and the DaZhongYu Movement. Chen, due to his dissatisfaction with Chen Shuqin and Guo Moruo’s works, argued that there is no outstanding works of poetry in the new literary movement. Therefore, he proposed and practiced the idea of translating “ShiJing” into “DaZhongYu”; Next, to discuss Chen’s translation characteristics. Chen advocated the use of ballads; therefore, he not only valued the function of the word “Xi” in “ShiJing”. He followed the original chapters and structure of “ShiJing”, and kept its repetitious form. At the same time, he also emphasized simple words, phrases, and rhyming, advocated quatrains format for easy recitation; Third, to investigate the relationship between Chen’s translation and the notes and commentaries of “ShiJing”. Although the DaZhongYu translation of “ShiJing” was quite novel; however, from the Chen’s content, he referred to the view of “ShiXu”, the argument of Zhu Xi’s “ShiJiZhuan”, and the explanation of Wei Yuan.
He accepted the traditional interpretation from the historical point of view, in order to facilitate the interpretation of historical events in the poems. By researching Chen’s “ShiJingYuYi”, it is apparent that the book has distinctive features unique of its time in format and content; And adding onto a solid literature base, to display a clever and unique fusion of classic literature and contemporary vocabulary.
/ 陳祺助    Chi-Chu Chen
/ 汪文聖    Wang, Wen-Sheng
/ 徐禎苓    Chen-ling Hsu
/ 黃宗潔    Tsung-Chieh Huang
/ 廖啟宏    Ci-hong Liao
Étude comparative franco-chinoise du processus de création des caractères/ mots nouveaux : l’exemple des noms des éléments chimiques
/ Huei-chen Li    李蕙珍
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