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第 67  期

中央大學人文學報 第67期
National Central University Journal of Humanities Vol. 67

General Article
Lu Xun, Chinese Modernity and the “Modernization of Chinese Novel”: A Reappraisal
/ 陳俊啟    Chu-chi Chen
關鍵詞: 新小說現代性反現代性現代主義小說的現代化
Keywords: New Fiction, modernity, anti-modernity, modernization, the modernization of fiction
凌遲與救贖── 論魯迅小說中的「聲音」意象
Body Dismembering and Redemption— A Discussion on the Images Behind “Sounds” in Lu Xun’s Novels
/ 朱芯儀    Hsin-i Chu
關鍵詞: 魯迅聲音意象小說敘事凌遲救贖
Keywords: Lu Xun, Sound image, Novel narrative, Body Dismembering, Redemption
五四民主、科學革新中的中正之道── 由李玉階對民主自由及宗教科學之實踐談起
Li Yu-Jie, May 4th Movement, Dao of Moderation, Three Principles of the People; Independence Evening Post.
/ 黃崇修    Chung-hsiu Huang
關鍵詞: 李玉階五四運動中正之道三民主義自立晚報雷震案
Keywords: Li Yu-Jie, May 4th Movement, Dao of Moderation, Three Principles of the People, Independence Evening Post.
傾聽女聲╱身 ──女性藝術家的傳記劇場
Listening to the Female Voice and Body: Two Plays Depicting Female Artists
/ 高禎臨    Chen-lin Kao
關鍵詞: 女性傳記傳記劇場孟小冬潘玉良畫魂
Keywords: Meng Xiaodong, Pan Yuliang, Meng Xiaodong, A Soul Haunted by Painting, biography, Feminist Theater
羞恥的(偽)樣貌: 王爾德的《深淵書簡》
The (pseudo-)Visages of Shame: Oscar Wilde’s De Profun
/ 鄧宜菁    Yi-ching Teng
關鍵詞: 王爾德《深淵書簡》書信自我書寫羞恥
Keywords: Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, Letters, Self-Writing, Shame
No.69  2020 春季號
No.68  2019 秋季號
No.67  2019 春季號
No.66  2018 October
No.65  2018 April
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