台北的流動、溝通與再脈絡化︰以《台北四非》、《徵婚啟事》和《愛情來了》為例 Flows, Communication and Recontextualization in Three Taipei City Films

Kate Chi-wen Liu



With three recent Taiwanese films──Love Go Go[1997], The Personals [1998], and Taipei Four Ways [2006]—as examples, I analyze how recent Taipei films (as part of the so-called New New Taiwan Cinema), while capturing and responding to Taipei’s ever-increasing speed of flows in comic, self-reflexive and/or collage styles, produce meanings through mediated communication among the characters’ and recontexutalization of signs. In the densely populated and time-space compressed Taipei, human contact is frequent but transient, and communication mediated and disembodied. The three city films foreground the roles of media (e.g. car, cell phone, airplane, newspaper, TV and film camera) and rituals (e.g. singing and interview) in human communication, transportation and surveillance. Such media and rituals can set people and their messages adrift in the spaces of flows, while the flows of messages can penetrate even their private spaces. These flows of signs and people, however, do not deny the possibility of communication and recontextualization. I see in the three films respectively two types of recontextualization: aesthetic and social recontexutalization. Taipei Four Ways has the city signs and interviewee’s words taken out of context to produce visual patterning of flows and orchestration of words and sounds, which, in turn, serve as some collective comments on Taipei. Another form of recontextualization—communication among social subjects—happens in the two feature films, which show urban migrants, either isolated in their small apartments, or drifting in transitory and segmental relations in various urban spaces of flows, still seek to communicate through rituals and/or other forms of communication media. Although some communication can be hurting and even oppressive, the two films use such mediated communication as a way for the characters to seize the flows and make it “home.”