處於倫理內在性與宗教超越性之間:胡塞爾與海德格宗教現象學之比較 Between the Ethical Immanence and the Religious Transcendence: A Comparison between Husserl's and Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religion

Wen-sheng Wang



We see Heidegger made reflection on his contemporary philosophies of religion in 1920s, which was under his own phenomenological position. We also can see Husserl in his middle and late period (after twenties) developed a religious orientation departing from his ethical thinking and under his phenomenological position too. A comparison is made in this article, and the both positions are traced back to the difference of Greek and Christian cultures. Possible interconnection or impact between the both cultures was reflected in Augustine's thought that has shed some influence upon Husserl and Heidegger's philosophy. We hope in this article to be able to explain the background of their ethical and religious thinking. Furthermore, we take notice of "formal indication" as a method to be posited by Heidegger. It plays an important role to response the question in positive light: "How is possible the transcendence in the immanence?" This method is certainly essential in Heidegger's treatment of the phenomenology of religion; however, is it a similar method in Husserl's discussion about religion, in order to properly treat the transcendence belonging to religion? We also see a similar method of Augustinian discourse of God.