文部省美術展覽會的開幕與觀眾 The First Bunten and its Viewing Public

五十殿 利治
Omuka Toshiharu





The opening of the first Ministry of Education Art Exhibition (commonly called the Bunten) in 1907 was an extremely important event in modern Japanese art history. Aside from the exhibited objects and the exhibition itself, I consider “the audience” an essential element of an exhibition. Therefore, this article will mainly concern the viewers and the Bunten exhibition. It will consider the role of Bunten within modern Japanese culture by exploring the history of reception and connoisseurship.

Since the Bunten was not the first fine art exhibition in Japan, it is necessary to discuss some events before it. First, in December 1906, certain reporters from major newspaper publishers in Tokyo founded the Sakura Club. This Club promoted the establishment of the “Public Art Institute” in May 1907. With the power of mass media behind them, their appeal had deep influence. Second, the Exhibition for Encouragement of Industry (Kangyo Exhibition), held in Tokyo several months before Bunten, served as a prelude to the Bunten. A comparison of the two exhibitions yields an improved understanding of their characters in terms of the roles of the judges' reviews, their reception by the audience, and critiques from the public.

The Bunten, in the public opinion of that time, was considered successful. This article will also discuss which aspects contributed to the success. Compared with the Kangyo Exhibition, the Buten had a much better display space, and the rules of judgment were stricter. More importantly, however, there also appeared critiques of the judgments and of criticism itself. These show that the first Bunten was a milestone in exhibition culture, since it marked the time that art exhibitions began to play a significant role in shaping mass culture.