德國與臺灣的相會:1950-1970德國科倫方濟會省在臺南新營教區的教堂建築 German and Taiwan Encounters: Church Architecture of the German Franciscan Province Colonia in Tainan's Xingying Region during 1950-1970

Li-Pen Yu




Toward the end of the Second World War, the Catholic mission in Taiwan was greatly revived by the arrival of numerous European missionaries fleeing mainland China. One such missionary society, the German Franciscan Provence Colonia, was responsible for missionary work in the Tainan Xinging region, and built many churches between the 1950s and 1970s. These churches, designed by either a well-known German architect, passionate priest-architect in Asia, or amateur lay-brother, are representative of various styles, from modern European, to typical Chinese fashion, or some mixture of western and Asian elements. As such, in cultural, religious and artistic aspects, these churches embody complicated tensions between European and Taiwanese worlds.

This study investigates the artistic ideas embodied in the architecture of these churches, how they correlate with modern European church architecture and the liturgical movement, causal effects of missionary strategies regarding accommodation, and the responses of Taiwanese Catholics. The understanding embedded in these buildings indicates something of the interactions between Europe and Taiwan during 1950-1970, and reveals the significance of these precious, tangible, cultural heritages in mission, cultural and art histories.