在 2020 年初爆發的新冠病毒疫情,對於全世界各地的社會運
In the beginning of 2020, it burst out among country to country with a new
kind pandemic, which is called Covid-19. With the pandemic flowing so
quickly, it has hit human society so strongly. The social order and national
economy have changed dramatically. After months of spreading the disease,
some countries have not been able to escape the torture of the pandemic. The
difficulties and challenges that Covid-19 has brought to human society. How
could we keep on facing the anxiety caused by the epidemic? Practical guidance
is shown in Yi Zhuan, as well as reference points of self-cultivation, so that we
can understand the changes of states of affair around us and increase the virtue
cultivation of personal life.
When most people face changes, a sense of alertness for surroundings
emerges. The sense of alertness is the instinct for survival that makes people
close to good things and avoid bad things. If people try to get rid of the anxiety
from facing changes and try to go for well-being, then they need to practice the
skills of detecting the subtle signs of things in Yi. Once the practicing is well
enough, things will be arranged in advance and people will know where they
stand. Therefore, we can accumulate virtue cultivation and enrich the conditions
for individuals to pursue happiness and self-realization.