從環境美學探討環境教育的場域概念 On the idea of Field in Environmental Education through Environmental Aesthetics

Yu-Ming Zhang

環境倫理探討人與自然的關係,而在倫理學中有著規範性的實踐要求,因此實踐在環境倫理學中一直被認為是重要的課題。環境教育在近年來被關注於環境倫理之實踐的學者們認為是環境倫理基本與扎根的工作。但環境教育如何和學員的意義切己感 (significance) 結合便變成為關鍵的問題。本文試圖將環境區分為人造環境和自然環境,並透過環境美學聚焦於前者。我們希望可以發現環境保護的動力根源,藉此可以分析與檢討環境教育在針對場域概念的教學策略是否適宜。本文試圖透過參與美學的啟發,來理解場域的概念,其實就是存在於主體能動地改造和參與客體環境(surroundings) 的互動過程。對這個關鍵概念的釐清與瞭解,必定有助於保護我們的環境。


Environmental ethics deals with the relationship between human and nature, and there should be the normative demands of practical action in ethics. Therefore, practical demands are regarded as an important task for environmental ethics. In this sense, environmental education is regarded as a fundamental and rooting work of environmental ethics by scholars who concern about practical meaning of environmental ethics recently. But how to combine environmental education with the significance of learners becomes a key problem. This article tries to clarify the meaning of "environment" and by dividing it into built environment and natural environment and focusing on the former through the theory of aesthetic engagement. We hope to find the motivation of environmental protection, and so we can reflect whether the strategies of environmental education on field are proper or not. Through the inspiration of life aesthetics, we can understand the idea of field is well defined by subjective transformation and engagement of surroundings. Clarifying and understanding this key idea will help us to protect our environment.

環境美學:東方與西方的對話Environmental Aesthetics: East-West Dialogue

/ 〔美〕荷姆斯‧羅斯頓Ⅲ(著)、〔中〕齊君(譯)Holmes Rolston, III (translated by Jun Qi)