林俊穎小說中的時間想像與神話辯證 Imagination of Time and Dialectics of Myth in Lin Junying’s Novels

Meng-chun Chen



Lin Junying was born in 1960, spent his childhood in the town, then went to school and worked in Taipei, New York or Hong Kong. Even so, local family has been the foundation of his spiritual home, which involves thoughts of time, city, and state. Local memory is the main coordination in Lin Junying’s novels, mixing urban writing and family stories by taking material as a way of calling and mixing memories of three generations. The Middle-class advocates that economic and material conditions affect conscious of time which is based on progress and development. However, the prosperity and progress of economic development in Taiwan has made people forget the value of the spiritual home. This is the dialectics between mythologies and spiritual home. Section II analyzes the dialectics in Wo Buke Gaoren De Xiangchou (《我不可告人的鄉愁》), and according to this, Lin Junying will trace other novels before Wo Buke Gaoren De Xiangchou involving Shan Nuren (《善女人》), Meigui Axiuluo (《玫瑰阿修羅》), and Jing Huayuan (《鏡花園》).