福禍相倚的台灣後疫情挑戰:一個比較歷史的生命倫理學視角 Mutually Embedded Fortune and Disaster in Post-Pandemic Taiwan——a comparative history approach to bioethics

Duu-Jian Tsai



This paper takes a comparative historical approach inquiring into the coexist transformation toward either endemic influenza or common cold of the COVID-19 in past three years. Through clinical ethical decision analysis, especially the dialectical thinking between medical contract and social justice related to discourses on pandemic controls and international conflicts, this paper attempts to propose a bioethical perspective for a coming brand-new era. Three historical blocs have been examined.

The first time period begins with the Wuhan Outbreak and ends at the expansion of pandemic to western and southeast Asian countries. The second period is from the first local endemic outbreaks to major pandemic control policy relieve in Taiwan. The third one is roughly from the resurge outbreak in China to its sudden unblock, with an attention to most recent global trends. The moral culture and material foundation of normalization of living with pandemics will be delineated. Finally, this article reminds the insufficiency of the pure pandemic or endemic control visions, especially in an era wherein globalization has been broken down with international conflicts in various spheres. Hence, a new vison integrated both micro and macro perspectives, derived from The Book of The Way ( Tao Te Ching ), is proposed to pursuit a harmony following (individual) human being, earth and universe with a sensitivity following the nature law. In so doing, we could learn lessons from past different pandemic time periods in order to enrich the contemporary bioethics reflections. It is time for us to face appropriately the era of the mode production transformation and to create sufficient multi -layer peaceful ways for new co-existing livings as well as for new world order imaginations.