江兆申給艾瑞慈夫人的一封信 並附上其印譜 A Letter with a Collection of Seal Impressions to Mrs. Vee Edwards from Chiang Chao-shen

江兆申 原著
Chiang Chao-shen

編者按:此信是前故宮副院長江兆申先生寫給艾瑞慈教授夫人,林維貞女士(1919-1992)的信。江先生得知艾夫人將把其展覽中的印鑑譯成英文,因此親自作了印譜,並附上詳細的說明。 近日司馬堂先生協助艾教授整理舊柬,揀得此信。今獲得艾教授首肯,抄錄此信並翻成英文, 讓此信見證了艾教授夫婦與江先生近三十年亦師亦友的情誼。可惜由於信封未存,無法得知其寄出年代,但是從信中內容推敲可能完成於1986到1992年間。


Editor's note: This letter was written by the former Deputy Director of the National Palace Museum, Mr. Chiang Chao-shen, to Mrs. Vee Edwards (Chinese name: Lin Weizhen, 1919-1992), the wife of Prof. Richard Edwards. Mr. Chiang learned that Mrs. Edwards was about to translate his seals into English for an exhibition of his works, so he prepared a table of his own seal impressions and added detailed explanations. While assisting Prof. Edwards put his old correspondence in order, Mr. Thomas E. Smith came across this letter. Now, with Prof. Edwards' permission, we have transcribed this letter and translated it into English, so that it may serve as a testimonial to the almost thirty-year friendship between Prof. and Mrs. Edwards and Mr. Chiang Chao-shen. Unfortunately, since the envelope was not preserved, it is impossible to determine when the letter was sent. However, from the content of the letter we can infer that it may have been written between 1986 and 1992.