佛教生死觀在預立醫療照護諮商的應用 The Application of Buddhist view of Life and Death in Medical Care Consultation

Ming-Shu, Lee



Based on Paragraph 1, Article 9 of the to establish an advance care decision, a patient must be provided with a consultation on advance care planning by a medical institution. Besides, Article 4 of the "Provision of Medical institutions for Pre-established Medical Care Consultation" stipulates that the ACP (Advance Care Planning) team shall include at least one doctor, one nurse, and one psychologist or social worker. Through the Buddhist views of life and death, this paper will point out that ACP can be achieved through the application of Buddhist views. By expressing and sharing the content about the Buddhist views on life and death, the psychologist or social worker will be able to respond to the religious beliefs of the patient, family and hospital, to achieve the effect of communication and coordination, and reduce potential conflicts and disputes with clients.

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/ 田文鳳、張新慶、張群芝、杜華英Tian Wen-Feng, Zhang Xinqing, Zhang Jing-Zhi, Du Hua Ying