讀一切書之法──金聖嘆評《水滸傳》之文法術語及其敘事意涵 The Method of Reading All Books──Narrative Theory in Jin Shengtan’s Marginalia of Outlaws of the Marsh

Qing-hui Yang



The paper is a case study of the marginalia of Ming-Qing classic novels. The primary subject in this paper focuses on Jin Shengtan’s marginalia of the novel (also named Guanhuatang diwu caizishu Shuihuzhuan). The paper takes Jin Shengtan’s marginalia of Outlaws of the Marsh as an example to discuss its narratology. At the same time, I will contrast both the former marginalia and those of the other Books of Masters (also named Tianxia caizi bidushu) so as to analyze Jin Shengtan’s narrative theory. Applying the method of narratology, I hope to illustrate its significance which is in Jin Shengtan’s narrative theory. Because the analysis of narratology includes three discrete projects──narrative grammar, narrative poetics and narrative rhetoric, I discuss both narrative form in texts and the contexts of narrative interpretation. I discover that, a narrative theory that belongs to Jin Shengtan’s marginalia of Outlaws of the Marsh is the young type. About his narrative theory, Time-Spatial poetics is the most characteristic discourse.