《紅樓》解碼──小說敘事的隱喻象徵 Decipherment of Hong Lou──The Metaphorical Symbol of Narrative Novel

Su-wen Lin



This paper applies the theories of Carl G. Jung’s psychology to delve into the metaphoric symbols of narrative in novel Hong lou meng by Cao Xueqin from the perspective of Jung’s analytical psychology. These metaphoric symbols will embody the author’s conscious and subconscious connotation. The main metaphoric symbols in Hong lou meng are displayed in four dimensions:
Firstly, myth prototype: It includes the prototypic symbols of three mythological figures, Nüwa, Immortal Woman of Fairy Disenchantment (Qin Keqing) and a Buddhist monk and a Taoist priest, as well as the author’s deep psyche presented by three prototypes.
Secondly, guide of dream: There exists one inner organic structure in each dream in Hong lou meng, emerging with the author’s subconscious calling, calamity and eagerness for return emerged.
Thirdly, cultural signs: In Hong lou meng, the author applied many signs of Chinese culture including Precious Jade of Tongling (Spiritual Understanding), Precious Mirror of Romance, land of illusion (Daguan Garden) and the image of “Red” that symbolizes innate self-being, inner mind, satisfactory self-being and spirit of chastity respectively.
Fourthly, homonym with a double meaning: Homonyms with a double meaning were used in Hong lou meng to present the outlooks in life value and cosmos, all dharmas marked with emptiness, rise and fall of the family, vicissitudes of life and affections in the dream, which embody the Buddhist thought of inner coherence.