覺之教育的環境倫理與環境美學 Environmental Ethics and Aesthetics

Po-Yuan Kao



Besides researching theories, no matter environmental ethics or environmental aesthetics, the ultimate purpose is concrete life practice. The power source of practice is self-awakening of humanity. This is the basic sense of enlightenment education. Under the requests of enlightenment education, we describe the interdependence between human and environment through Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature 緣起性空. We describe the practice power of environment ethics by Bodhisattva 菩薩道. In addition, we explain that environment aesthetics is the important resort to conduct environment ethics by the principle of the fusion of Mean and art or from art to Mean. In conclusion, we describe how to effectively combine enlightenment education, environment ethics and environment aesthetics to conduct enlightenment education within the campus of Hua-fan University. Last, we have to restate that enlightenment education is not only the educational spirit of Buddhism but all educational spirits. It should also be the important power resource and spirit way to push environment ethics and environment aesthetics.

環境美學:東方與西方的對話Environmental Aesthetics: East-West Dialogue

/ 〔美〕荷姆斯‧羅斯頓Ⅲ(著)、〔中〕齊君(譯)Holmes Rolston, III (translated by Jun Qi)