FaceBook pڭ
第 37  期

Special Issue

The Human Mind and the Human Life──Liang Shu-ming’s Observation toward Human Nature in His Sunset of Life
作者 陳一弘
Author I-hung Chen
關鍵詞 梁漱溟新儒學儒家人性論人心
Keywords Liang Shu-ming, Contemporary Neo-Confucianism, Confucian, Theory of human nature, human mind
摘要 本文旨在探討梁漱溟晚年的人性論,並藉由其一生最為珍視的著作──《人心與人生》為主要依據,以明其思想變遷及對人性的最後主張。文中依序分析四個主題:首先,著重其研究方法,指出梁的特殊處在善用近代學術,尤其是達爾文演化論與馬克思哲學,而揭示人性研究之另一蹊徑。其次,闡述梁對人心所具有的主動、靈活、計畫三特質之觀察。第三,剖析梁的人性論裏,最根本、也是最關鍵的自覺能力。第四,從梁的人生歷程,探究其所以重視自覺的緣故,並由他對自覺定位的前後差異,說明其思想轉變。
Abstract This article probes Liang Shu-ming’s theory of human nature in his sunset of life mainly according to his most important work──The Mind and the Life──to elaborate the change of his thinking and his final idea of human nature. This article accordingly analyzes four topics: first, it focuses on his research methodology and points out that Liang was good at applying modern science, in particular, Darwinian theory of evolution and Marxism, so that he opened up a new path to make a study of human nature. Second, it elaborates Liang’s point of view toward the three characteristics of the voluntariness, agileness, and foresight of the human mind. Third, it analyzes the notion of self consciousness which is the most critical and basic capacity in the theory of human nature. Fourth, it looks into the reason why Liang valued self-consciousness from his personal experience, and explains his change by the difference his conception of self-consciousness from his earlier one.
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