自我追尋與他人認同 ──從「自律作家」論七等生的寫作風格及其意義 |
In Search of Self and Others’ Recognition──Discussion on Qi Deng Sheng’s Writing Style and the Controversy from the Perspective of “Writers on Autonomy” |
作者 |
蕭義玲 |
Author |
I-ling Hsiao |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
self identification,
Qi Deng Sheng,
writer on autonomy,
摘要 |
本文希望藉由「自律作家」與「正義作家」的劃分,辨明七等生作品的兩極化評價,源於眾多批判者多從「正義作家」類型,即從社會正義與人類團結的角度看待寫作的意義,然而「自律作家」型的七等生,其寫作特徵卻表現在對自我追尋與自我創造之關切中。在寫作歷程上,七等生一直交雜於「自我追尋」與「尋求他人認同」的內在邏輯中,在兩種需求並存的張力中,寫作遂成為七等生理解自我、塑造自我,以及試圖尋找答案的方式。本文希望藉助這樣的討論,可以適切地解釋七等生的寫作風格,並提供一條詮釋七等生作品的有效路徑。 |
Abstract |
Qi Deng Sheng’s novels have long been sparking high controversies as characters in his writings are regarded by critics as his own incarnation, while Qi Deng Sheng is criticized as a writer embracing individualism with the inclination of anti-social behavior and Nihilism. Notwithstanding, some critics believe that he is a writer embracing a heart of sympathy, observing human nature through cool detachment, and showing ardor towards the mortal life. These polarized appraisals have become an obstacle to conduct in-depth research into his works.
This article attempts to clarify Qi Deng Sheng’s polarized appraisals by means of the distinction of “writer on autonomy” and “writer on justice,” since many critics have treated his works from the perspectives of “writers on justice,” that is, the concern with the social justice and solidarity. However, being a “writer on autonomy,” Qi Deng Shang’s writings emphasize the concern with self creation and personal perfection. Qi Deng Shang has been tangled with the inner logic in the search of self and others’ recognition. Writing under the tension of these two desires has turned out to be one way for him to shape this ego and attempt to search for the answers. Eventually, these factors contribute to his unique writing style.
This text aims to explain Qi Deng Sheng’s writing style and controversies on his novels by employing such clarification, to flourish the theoretical foundation for the interpretation of his works. |