FaceBook pڭ
第 48  期

General Article

Reconstruction and Identity of Zixue in the Transformation of Modern Xueshu (Learning)
作者 許朝陽
Author Chao-Yang Hsu
關鍵詞 子學哲學思想學術學術史哲學史
Keywords Zixue, philosophy, thought, Xueshu (learning), history of learing, history of philosophy
摘要 在漢代以獨尊儒術為學術方針之後,先秦諸子之學可說即漸趨衰微,此衰微之勢要直到晚清乃有復興之跡。晚明以降,基於對理學反動,老莊之學成為士大夫批判儒學的利器;乾嘉年間,考據之學大盛,士人考證對象更由經學擴及於子書。於子學復興的過程中,伴隨著社會問題與西學傳入雙種因素,子學也由傳統考據轉向為具近代性意義的研究方法,亦即透過西學觀念以闡發子學。
Abstract The concept of “Xueshu” mainly refers to Jinxue (study of the classics) and Confucianism, but also widely to Hanxue, Songxue study , Daoxue and Lixue study included. In other words, Xueshu traditionally ranges from the history of classics to the history of thoughts and even the history of philosophy. However, according to the traditional conception, Zixue is subordinate to Jinxue. The so-called Xueshu doesn’t mean that all knowledge is equally treated. With the gradual change of concept of “Xueshu” in Qing dynasty, Jinxue and Zixue seem to be equalized. Only with this, will Zixue rebuild its academic status in the history of modern science.
With a range from calendar, phonics, geography to thoughts, the definition of Xueshu by modern scholars differs quite a lot. Consequently, the history of learning can be divided into two ways: one puts emphasis on both textual research and thoughts, and the others emphasizes on thoughts. If we consider thought as the content of Xueshu, then the duplication of the history of learning and the history of thought will be reasonable. However, the thought must be researched from a certain angle, such as politics and philosophy. Especially from the angle of philosophy, the fundamental problems are transferred from the political corruption at that time to ontology, cosmology, and human nature. Thus, Zixue becomes the origin of learning and philosophy. Compared with the classics or government position, the theory will be anyway a great challenge.
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