海上‧奇觀——論晚清上海「水龍會」對城市文化的視覺性建構 |
The Spectacular Shanghai: The Visual Construction of Urban Culture in late-Qing Shanghai’s Shuilong Hui |
作者 |
趙家琦 |
Author |
Chao Chia-Chi |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Shuilong Hui,
late-Qing Shanghai,
urban culture,
western authority
摘要 |
本文以晚清上海「水龍會」為討論對象,以「視覺」為切入點,由晚清上海報刊關於水龍會的記述與描繪,藉由圖文的參照分析,探究、勾勒水龍會所表徵、建構的晚清上海城市景象與意涵。首節為釐清水龍會的歷史背景脈絡,正文聚焦於《申報》與《點石齋畫報》對於水龍會的記載與描繪,就「視覺」與「觀看」為中心展開論述。由消防演練演變為歡慶西方權力的慶典活動,水龍會舉辦者以視覺的演出為路徑,讓水龍會觀賞者在觀看的接收中,建構起西方權力在晚清中國的典範形象。水龍會中精心打造的科技裝飾,使滬民觀者經歷了視覺現代性的體驗,而此視覺體驗正展示了晚清上海在西方勢力進駐後所體現的先進物質文明。參照當時西方人對於水龍會的記述,水龍會藉由視覺的營造,而企圖傳達的西方文明訊息更為顯明。因此,水龍會的歷史意義與重要性,便在其充分顯示晚清上海的洋場特徵與都市想像。 |
Abstract |
This article focuses on the topic of Shuilong Hui held in late-Qing Shanghai. Centering on issues regarding visuality and visual culture, this article investigates the urban scenery and cultural meaning which Shuilong Hui presents and demonstrates by means of analyzing words and pictures from late-Qing newspapers and illustrated magazines. The section two briefly describes the historic background and context of Shuilong Hui. The main text discusses Shen Bao and Dianshi Zhai Huabao’s description and records of Shuilong Hui, and develops the main argument from the angle of “seeing” and “vision”. From fire-fighting exercises to activities in celebration of western authority, the host of Shuilong Hui made use of visual display so as to establish and reinforce a concept that the West is a paradigm to late-Qing China. In addition, by seeing the elaborately decorated parade of technological objects, Shuilong Hui’s audience’s experience of visual modernity was also a manifestation of Shanghai’s advanced material civilization. Referring to a report written by a western spectator of Shuilong Hui, it clearly demonstrates that the intention of Shuilong Hui was to manifest the influence of western authority and civilization on Shanghai through visual stimulation. Therefore, the historical value and significance of Shuilong Hui lies in its representation of western characteristics and urban imagination of late-Qing Shanghai. |