FaceBook pڭ
第 48  期

General Article

The Compounding of Taiwan Vogue Word “Sha Hen Da” (殺很大)
作者 黃金文、林鴻瑞
Author Chin-wen Huang, Hung-Jui Lin
關鍵詞 流行語複合化詞彙化重新分析諺語化離心結構
Keywords vogue word, compounding, lexicalization, reanalysis, idiomaticization, exocentric structure
摘要 「殺很大」源於廣告、流行於網路,現在也時常用於日常生活,廣為年輕族群接受。現代漢語,本來不存在「殺+很大」。「殺很大」起初以「殺」後加「很大」的結構方式出現,意指「打殺」激烈、「殺價」殺得很大或甚至價格「下殺」幅度大,為一「動詞」詞組。然而,在「殺很大」興起的同時,語意竟然開始有些許變異,其語法範疇亦有轉變。這種複合化歷程,經歷著句法結構「重新分析」(reanalysis)及語意的「諺語化」(idiomaticization),成為標準之「離心結構」(exocentric)。而此或正是「殺很大」,由不合語感、到合法、再到改造,一路「詞彙化」(lexicalization)過程。這樣的歷程,也許只是個開端,卻是個值得關注的「詞彙化」現象。
Abstract “Sha Hen Da” (殺很大) is a slogan of the online games named Sha-Online. The advertisement was really famous, so the word “Sha Hen Da" became popular in Taiwan computer-mediated communication and mass media. People also use this word in daily expressions, especially those of the teenagers. “Sha Hen Da” was a Verb Phrase (VP) means “fight violently” or “bargain in abundance” at the beginning. Now, “Sha Hen Da” is an adjective which means “any positive or negative extreme behavior at somebody or something”. This is a standard exocentric structure through reanalysis of grammatical structure and idiomaticization of the semantic. There are 113 news titles with the “Sha Hen Da” in UDNDATA. All these news titles were classified into three stages based on their different grammatical structure and semantic features: Separation, Transition, and Compounding stage. In this paper, we will analyze the compounding phenomena of “Sha Hen Da” throughout these three stages.
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