環境美感、環境倫理與人類優質生活 |
Environmental Aesthesis, Environmental Ethic and Human’s Optimal Life |
作者 |
蕭振邦 |
Author |
Jenn-Bang Shiau |
關鍵詞 |
Aldo Leopold、
Holmes Rolston、
倫理行動力 源、
Keywords |
Aesthetic Ethic,
Aldo Leopold,
Holmes Rolston,
Impetus of Ethical Behavior,
Optimal Life
摘要 |
Aldo Leopold 饒富洞見的「美感洞察」和 Holmes Rolston 一以貫
本文遂提出華夏美學的解困之道。 |
Abstract |
The current environmental crisis has created the social-leading orientation
of ecological or environmental ethics to care for nature and sustainable
development. And then the impetus consideration of “acting according to
norms”—especially the interaction between the giver and the recipient in the
map of nature—has ceded a little bit of its voice to the aesthesis category and
prompted aesthetic ethics to become a discussion section in the discourse of
environmental ethics with ecology as the main focus. Following this, this paper
attempts to analyze Aldo Leopold’s visionary “aesthetic insight” and Homes
Rolston’s consistent “aesthetic wilderness turn” from the perspective of
“emergence aesthetics.” It tries to illustrate that it is a good idea to use beauty as
the impetus source of “acting according to norms,” but it also indicates that to
take on this heavy responsibility by Western aesthetics is not enough. It is
because there is only one “optimal value,” either “beauty” or “morality” but not
two of them together. This paper then puts forth a way to solve the difficulty
with Chinese aesthetics. |