FaceBook pڭ
第 61  期

Special Issue

The Difficult Ethics: On the Nurses’ Ethical Distress
作者 王心運、柯薰貴
Author Shin-yun Wang, Hsun-kuei Ko
關鍵詞 道德困擾困難的倫理情緒關懷臨床倫理
Keywords Moral distress, Difficult ethics, Emotion, Care, Clinical ethics
摘要 護理人員的道德困擾起因於種種無法控制的因素,以致他們無法維護病人的最大利益,進而承受痛苦等情緒壓力。若無法排除阻礙,護理人員將進入道德困擾情緒的反應期,除身心都受影響外,也會影響倫理問題的解決。因而道德困擾的問題愈受到護理教育的重視。

Abstract Because of various factors which are beyond control and make it impossible to maintain the best interests of the patient, the healthcare personnel may feel moral distress and suffer from their emotional stress. If such obstacles cannot be removed, they will enter a stage of reactive moral distress, experiencing suffering from the mind and body and therefore cannot solve clinical ethical problems. Thus we should put more attention on the nursing education.

This article attempts to discuss the moral distress and emotional stress from the perspective of difficult ethics, because we think the difficulties of clinical ethics which incur moral distress are not really noticed by the existing methods of clinical ethics. On the one hand, it lies in the becoming fragmentedand complicated of a nurse's good-intentions; on the other hand, it results from the becoming incompleteness of the context of significance and inter-subjectivity under the condition of real health care situations. This study also points out that if nurses can form their own moral values, they will deal with their emotional stress in a better way.
生命倫理學:尊重和熱愛生命 — 對費茲‧雅爾思想的幾點思考
/ 戴正德、[中]馬俊領    Michael Cheng-tek Tai, Jun-ling Ma
/ 陳奕傑、許樹珍    Yi-chieh Chen, Shuh-Jen Sheu
/ 林雅萍    Ya-ping Lin
從敘事學談醫學倫理教育之 人性化改革
/ 林慧如    Hui-ju Lin
/ 蕭玉霜    Yu-shuang Hsiao
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