FaceBook pڭ
第 61  期

Special Issue

Analysis of Long-term Care of Health Care Needs based on the Difference of Principle
作者 蕭玉霜
Author Yu-shuang Hsiao
關鍵詞 健康照護需求長期照護需求差異原則
Keywords Health care needs, Long-term care, Difference Principle
摘要 失能老人與其照護者都是弱勢的倚賴者,除了要面對機能老化從衣、食、住、行等無法自我照顧的狀況,還有負擔慢性病及長期的照顧人力、財力、醫療、社會與家庭環境設備等照護資源的支出。


Abstract Disabled elderlies and their caregivers are vulnerable and dependent persons. They have to face the situations where they cannot take food, get clothed, live by themselves, and the heavy burden of the cost of caring for chronic diseases, medical expenses, social and domestic provisions, etc.

In this essay, I have examined the discussions between Norman Daniels, Martha C. Nussbaum and Eva F. Kittay, and then adopted Kittay's idea of "dependence" and "derivative dependence" of the elderlies and their care-takers, advocating to offer them the necessary resources according to their fair equality of opportunities. But I argue that, it should be based on the difference principle, in order to establish and secure the rights of the disabled elderlies and caregivers and the reasonable sharing of care resources. For the difference principle emphasizes the caring of the most disadvantaged and disabled elderlies and they are among the most disadvantaged. Hence the difference principle could protect them and their needs most appropriately.

The present research confirms that the principle of difference can be the foundation of long-term care ethics, that it could also be used to improve feeding method to meet the health-care needs of the disabled elderly. Furthermore, I propose that if the government plans to legalize long-term care insurance, it should take the democratic procedure in dialogues with experts, scholars, pharmacy industry, relevant organizations and associations, in order to draft a proper and just long-term care program.
生命倫理學:尊重和熱愛生命 — 對費茲‧雅爾思想的幾點思考
/ 戴正德、[中]馬俊領    Michael Cheng-tek Tai, Jun-ling Ma
/ 陳奕傑、許樹珍    Yi-chieh Chen, Shuh-Jen Sheu
/ 林雅萍    Ya-ping Lin
/ 王心運、柯薰貴    Shin-yun Wang, Hsun-kuei Ko
從敘事學談醫學倫理教育之 人性化改革
/ 林慧如    Hui-ju Lin
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