羅整菴、李栗谷理氣論的涵義 |
The Meaning of Luo Zheng’an and Yi Yulgok’s Theory of Li and Qi |
作者 |
楊祖漢 |
Author |
Cho-hon Yang |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
theory of li and qi,
Luo Zheng’an,
Yi Yulgok
摘要 |
本論文先分析羅整菴的心性論,論證其對於心、性有嚴格之區分,合於朱子的思想;再以心性論確定其理氣論之意義,以證明整菴之理氣論雖對朱子之說作出修正,但並非如一些學者所認為的,為唯氣論之思想。整菴的理氣論,確有其特殊見解,而本文認為整菴這方面之特殊見解,對韓儒李栗谷很有影響,栗谷一些很具創見之思想,如氣不能斷滅,及不合理者亦有理等,應是受整菴啟發而得的。 |
Abstract |
This article analyzes Luo Zheng’an’s theory of xin (mind) and xing (human nature), which is found to be coherent with Zhu Xi’s thought. It argues that Luo’s theory of li-qi (Principle and Matter) which is defined through his theory of mind and human nature, is a modification of Zhu Xi’s doctrine but is not materialism. Luo’s li-qi theory has its characteristics, and his ideas influenced the thought of Yi Yulgok, an important Confucian in the Chosan Dynasty of Korea. Some innovative ideas in Yulgok’s philosophy, such as the idea that qi could not perish, or that the irrational is rational, seem to have been inspired by Luo. |
專號序 / 王次澄、李力庸 Tzi-cheng Wang, Li-yung Lee |