日治時期霧峰水利組織與地域社會的演變 |
Changes in the Irrigation Association and Local Society in Wufeng during the Japanese Colonial Period |
作者 |
劉素芬 |
Author |
Sufen Liu |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
local society,
摘要 |
霧峰地區有強大的林氏家族,在林獻堂的領導之下,配合祭祀公業雄厚的經濟基礎,在水利事業上和國家展開既合作又競爭的關係。公共埤圳組合阿罩霧圳的公權化、霧峰圳水利組合的營運及番子?私設埤圳的投資都具有家族制度的基礎。然而1930年代面對日本殖民政府的米穀統制和水利統制政策,加上日本侵華戰爭所帶來的沈重財政負擔,造成國家與社會的衝突。林獻堂對於總督府態度的轉變,說明被殖民統治的人民產生自覺,對政權的期望從水利建設轉為地方自治的訴求,進一步促成本土社會的凝聚與共識,甚且超越霧峰地域社會,林獻堂因此躍昇為全臺性的領導人物。 |
Abstract |
Diaries offer abundant data to study daily life based upon qualitative description, and can supplement official quantitative statistical census data of the Japanese colonial government. Wufeng was a clan-oriented local society with gentry elites such as the famous Lin families. Under the excellent leader Lin Xiantang, there was cooperation with the colonial government to push through changes in the irrigation association. However, the policies of rice production and irrigation construction during the 1930s greatly damaged the economy of the villages in central Taiwan which was based on rice export. The heavy tax burden due to the Sino-Japanese War also deepened the conflicts between society and government in the Japanese empire. These are the reasons why Lin Xiantang emerged as a leader of Taiwan instead of the local society of Wufeng. |
專號序 / 王次澄、李力庸 Tzi-cheng Wang, Li-yung Lee |