FaceBook pڭ
第 31  期

Special Issue

To Construct a New “National State” —─ Overseas Chinese Administration during the Zheng Yen-feng Period
作者 李道緝
Author Tao-chi Lee
關鍵詞 僑務鄭彥棻華僑臺灣
Keywords overseas Chinese administration, Zheng Yen-feng, overseas Chinese, Taiwan
摘要 民國38年中華民國遷臺後的僑務工作,在新人新政的鄭彥棻藉由國民革命(尤其是孫中山)成功的將原先毫無關係的海外僑胞與臺灣連結起來。華僑熱烈的慶祝光輝十月,形塑華僑對新「祖國」四海歸心的民意趨向,穩固了臺灣在華人世界中的正統地位。僑生回國接受反共教育,培養了「新」一代華僑,他們認同的是政治上的祖國,而非其原鄉的祖國。臺灣政府鼓勵華僑回國投資,更以優沃的經濟利益,吸引僑資生根臺灣。這些措施使臺灣時期的僑務工作開展出生機盎然的新頁,但它的內向性,亦使島內出現了新的「華僑」成分,進而加重了臺灣的「中國」色彩。
Abstract After the R.O.C. government transferred to Taiwan in 1949, state development had to begin afresh, and this included overseas Chinese matters. However, the base of the new work was hugely different from before, and it demanded fresh thinking and implementation. For overseas Chinese matters, the new administrator Zheng Yen-feng adopted a new discourse where the overseas Chinese were connected with Taiwan through Sun Yat-sen’s successful national revolution. The warm celebrations of 10 October held by the overseas Chinese served to focus their hearts and minds towards Taiwan, their new National State, and this strengthened the legal position of Taiwan in the Chinese world. Overseas students came to Taiwan to receive anti-communist education, and the result was a new generation of overseas Chinese who identified with the political state rather than the home state. Overseas Chinese were encouraged to invest in Taiwan, and preferential terms and high economic benefit provided strong incentives for these investments to take root in Taiwan. These measures thus enabled overseas Chinese administration of the 1950s to develop a new vitality and stabilized the R.O.C. position in overseas Chinese societies. However, its introverted nature also gave rise to a new overseas Chinese element in Taiwan, and this increased the China element in Taiwan.

This new construct of overseas Chinese - national revolution - Taiwan was a fresh political connection, but it had its own structural fragility. When the common memory was no longer pursued by either side, the construct came apart easily. Again, the difficult situation on both sides of the Strait pushed Taiwan to seek overseas Chinese support, and the government had to use huge resources to nurture this support, which gave rise to the image of the “privileged” overseas Chinese. When the afore-mentioned connection broke down, the relationship also finally collapsed. In this transitional period, Zheng Yen-feng successfully continued and transformed the discourse concerning overseas Chinese administration from mainland China to Taiwan. However, overseas Chinese lacked that genuine feelingthey had towards their real motherland in their dealings with Taiwan, and so the price of construction was expensive and difficult.
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