沈德潛評選岑參五律之觀點探析 |
A Study of the Viewpoints of Shen De-qian’s Selecting and Commenting on Cen Shen’s Five-character Lushi |
作者 |
林宜靜 |
Author |
Yi-jing Lin |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Shen De-qian,
gentle and honest,
Cen San,
five-character lushi
摘要 |
本文欲探討沈德潛評選岑參五律的觀點,並觀察其所選的詩是否皆符合這些標準。全文除前言、結語外,共分四個部分:沈氏選五律的標準、對岑詩藝術技巧的批評、對岑詩藝術內容的批評、沈氏審美標準的歸納(亦即岑參五律之所以被選入《唐詩別裁集》之因)。文中藉《唐詩別裁集•五律》、《明詩別裁集•五律》、《清詩別裁集•五律》沈氏對各詩人評論、沈氏所選岑參詩歌、各詩話對岑詩評論,歸納、分析沈氏選詩原則、審美標準、岑詩特色,最後得出結論――由於岑詩詞采音律優美、寫景敍事抒情成功、表達方式含蓄敦厚,故被沈氏選入《唐詩別裁集》中作為典範,其中「寫景敍事抒情成功」這個標準屢被沈氏運用於評岑詩中,故本文針對此部分欲多作探討,此部分亦是目前學術界較乏人探討之處。 |
Abstract |
This article discusses the viewpoints that Shen De-qian selected the five-character lushi of Cen San, and examines whether the selected poems meet the conditions that Shen promoted. The article, in addition to the forewords and the conclusions, contains four major parts: First, the conditions of the five-character lushi which Shen selected; second, the criticism to the poetry skill of Cen San; third, the criticism to the poetry contents of Cen San; fourth, induction to the esthetic standard of Shen.
The author analyzes the principle of Shen’s selecting poems and the esthetic standard of Shen, and induces the characteristics of five-character lushi and Cen poetry based on Shen’s criticism in the Tang shi bie cai ji “five-character lushi”, Ming shi bie cai ji “five-character lushi” and Qing shi bie cai ji “five-character lushi”, and the books containing comments on poetry by successive generations. Finally I comes to the conclusion because Cen San’s poetry focuses on the literary elegance and the rules of tonal pattern and emotion, and is good at describing events and expressing feelings and describing scenery, and the way of expressing is implied deep meanings. That is the reason why his poems were selected into Tang shi bie cai ji by Shen De–qian and treated as the model for learners. The standard of being good at describing events and expressing feelings and describing scenery is applied extensively for the criticism of Cen San poetry in the Tang shi bie cai ji, and that is reason why the author discusses the portion in many ways. The portion is without discussion in the academic circles. |