大 COVID 時代的疫苗分配與接種政策倫理考量 |
The Ethics of Vaccine Allocation and Mandate in the COVID-19 Era |
作者 |
葉明叡 |
Author |
Ming-Jui Yeh |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
public health ethics,
vaccine allocation,
vaccine mandate,
body politic,
摘要 |
本文探討防疫政策之中的疫苗分配與強制接種倫理議題。本文主張,在談論疫苗於國內與全球的分配時,除了公平正義、效益主義與權利保障的倫理主張以外,也必須將「共同體的倫理」納入考量,特別是在下一階段,臺灣將成為COVID-19 疫苗生產國,此議題更為重要。另外,本文認為不論是針對醫療人員或一般大眾的疫苗強制接種政策,都有合理倫理基礎,未來應適時考慮COVID-19 疫苗強制接種,以盡速降低健康損失、預防未來損失。本文最後以探討公衛領域特有的群體倫理考量作結。 |
Abstract |
The article analyzes the ethical issues of vaccine allocation and vaccine mandate policies under the COVID-19 pandemic. The article argues that regarding the national and global vaccine allocation, along with the utilitarianism, equity and fairness, and the rights-based approach, the ethics of body politic should be considered. This consideration is timely and necessary as Taiwan becomes one of the few countries that are capable of vaccine production. The article also argues that, to save lives as many as possible and to prevent losses in the future, vaccine mandate policy should be considered for both health care workers and the general public. The article concludes with a discussion on the ethics of population perspective that is unique in the field of public health. |