五四民主、科學革新中的中正之道── 由李玉階對民主自由及宗教科學之實踐談起 |
Li Yu-Jie, May 4th Movement, Dao of Moderation, Three Principles of the People; Independence Evening Post. |
作者 |
黃崇修 |
Author |
Chung-hsiu Huang |
關鍵詞 |
Keywords |
Li Yu-Jie,
May 4th Movement,
Dao of Moderation,
Three Principles of the People,
Independence Evening Post.
摘要 |
山時期所提倡心物一元二用論觀點,對照他《自立晚報》時期,試圖消解民主、極權對立,強調精神、物質共存之調和姿態。繼而透視李玉階八十歲創辦天帝教之後,其人道天道兼修的教化方針。最後,本文歸結李玉階五四時期感性與理性合度、華山時期心物一元二用論、《自立晚報》時期的體制內改革、天帝教時期的人道天道兼修,以說明涵靜老人確實成功實踐了中國儒道思想核心──中正之道,並且以此做為其入世應世之不變法則。 |
Abstract |
This study probes into the four periods of Li Yu-Jie’s life, when he participated in the May 4th Movement, when he practiced austerities on Mount Hua, when he resumed the publication of Independence Evening Post,
and when he founded the The Lord of Universe Church (Tiandi Teachings). It will first verify Li’s attitude towards the progression of student movement while serving as a cadre for May 4th Movement. It will then put in comparison Li’s theory on mind-body unitary dual-function, which he
proposed when practicing austerities on Mount Hua, and Li’s thoughts on the
harmonious balance between spirit and materials in his attempts to resolve the
opposition between democracy and totalitarianism as the publisher of Independence Evening Post. It will also closely examine Li’s practice of both humanity and natural laws after he founded The Lord of Universe Church at the age of eighty. This study argues that Li holds the Dao of Moderation, which is the core of Chinese Confucianism and Daoism, as the unshakable principle to conduct oneself in society and puts it into practice himself all his
life. |