「反媚俗」:論張愛玲電影劇作對通俗劇模式的超越 “Anti-Kitsch”: Discussion on How Zhang Ailing’s Movie Scripts Transcend the Patterns of Melodrama

Mo Ling Rebecca Leung



Over the years, research on Zhang Ailing’s works are predominately analyses from feminist perspectives or comparative studies with Hollywood movies. However, her reflections on the pattern of melodrama have received little attention. On the one hand, Zhang adopted the melodramatic structures into her movie scripts. On the other hand, she used different ‘techniques’ to change the audience’ expectation of the established pattern. Based on the past research studies, this essay proceeds to examine her philosophy of theatrical aesthetics. How did she balance between entertaining and provoking thoughts in her audience? It is noted that Zhang’s movie scripts are characterized with uniqueness. While following the common practice and using popular themes to attract audience, they strive to break away from the rhetoric of melodrama. This essay will first attempt to explore the traits of melodrama in early Chinese films. It then moves on to analyze how the melodramatic elements identified in Zhang’s movie scripts appeal to the audience and how those elements break through the conventional confines of melodrama.